We know sleep is the first step to getting on your A-Game, but don’t just take it from us. Here are five sleeping beauty celebs who believe in the power of shut eye and why we love them. 


GP is not only a drop-dead gorg mama, but she chocks up her success to something she calls “clean sleeping.” In a recent interview, she coined the term to mean getting consistent, quality sleep. “Sleep plays such a powerful role in determining your appetite and energy levels that I believe it should be your first priority—even before you think about your diet,” Paltrow says. We <3 this no-nonsense approach to sleep.


CD is America’s sweetest health guru, having published The Body Book back in 2013. She probably knew that we were all dying to look like her in Charlie’s Angels. And guess what? She attributes it to a sleep routine. Diaz stresses the benefits for your entire metabolic system when you implement a sleep routine. Sounds like something we should all try.


Arianna Huffington is quickly becoming the crowned goddess of sleep. Her book Sleep Revolution paved the way for women and companies to re-think the importance of sleep. We love a girlboss who prioritizes her Z’s.


J-LO chocks up her killer bod to a solid night of shut-eye. “Sleep is my weapon,” she boasts. She swears 8 hours a night as her A1 beauty secret. And there’s no denying Jenny from the block stays fine.


BEYONCÉ. That’s right, you heard it. Beyoncé loves sleep, attributing her version of beauty to it. “Having happiness and healthiness is my version of beauty. And you can’t have any of that without sleep,” she says. Sleep is the way, y’all. Take it from Queen Bey herself.

So go ahead, get your beauty sleep on. Start by making sure your pillow supports clear skin and healthy hair.  


NIGHT squad