“Traveling does wonders for my skin and hair,” said no one ever. But perhaps you’ve seen people stepping off a plane looking flawless? Well of course they have secrets. No one puts in zero beauty effort while traveling and gets away with it! So bring on the tips, tricks and insider secrets!

To celebrate the launch of the NIGHT Pillow compression case, we spoke with some of our favorite beauty experts to get the scoop on upping your beauty game in tough travel conditions. Between being able to easily take your NIGHT Pillow with you wherever you go and their game-changing advice, consider yourself celebrity jetsetter status. 

Here’s what they had to say…

“Packing my beauty products used to stress me out but now I collect samples and minis of my favorite brands and store them in a pouch that’s actually made to store a wet bathing suit (ha!). It sounds weird, but it’s lined with a wipeable material so if my moisturizer explodes during a flight, the clean-up is easy. I always keep the pouch filled with baby toothpaste, razor, face wash, SPF, moisturizer, face oil, self-tanner wipes, etc. so I have everything I need in one spot. I literally grab it and go. It’s a fun way to try out new products that I don’t use on a daily basis. If/whenever possible, I fly without wearing makeup (just skincare) and I love to use undereye patches while en route. Upon arrival, I pull them off and instantly feel refreshed. I also use a facial self-tanner (I love the Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare Alpha Beta Glow Pads) the night before I travel so I look glowy when I get to my destination.”

 -Heather Muir Maffei, Beauty Director at Real Simple and Health Magazine

"Dry plane air can suck the moisture right out of your skin, so I always make sure to BYO hydration! I bring my own empty water bottle to refill at the airport, en route, and when I land. I pack my favorite tea bags (usually spearmint since the spice is a known skin-enhancer) to dip in hot water for extra nourishment, and I bring a face spritz to use throughout a long trip as needed." 

-Alexis Farah, Freelance Writer and Founder of Random Acts of Lipstick

“When I travel I always bring makeup products that are in cushion form. Now everything from foundation to blush and highlighter come in a cushion compact, and I love it because it's leak free, easy to throw into your bag, comes with a built-in mirror and the formulas usually give your skin a really beautiful, dewy glow that you can't always get from stick products (the other easy-to-travel-with makeup form). Plus I've found that cushion compact foundations and blushes really give your skin a nice youthful finish that photographs really well!”

-Carolyn Hsu, Site Director at New Beauty

“I love clothes that are still chic but comfy.  I’m not that person that can travel in 6-inch stilettos and tight outfits, so I try to go for cute coordinates that are still tasteful.  My eye mask and Barefoot Dreams shawl are a must because I’m always freezing on planes!  I also try to stay extremely hydrated by drinking tons of water (planes dry me out!) and love to spritz my Kiehl’s Cactus Flower & Tibetan Ginseng Hydrating Mist in the middle of the flight, especially on redeyes.”

-Brittney Levine, On-Air Style & Trend Expert and Host of Marie Claire’s “The Fix”

Caitlin Collins