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5 Shocking Sleep Facts

5 Shocking Sleep Facts

Oh sleep, how we love you so. NIGHT was built on the belief that sleep is a powerful tool, and with the right products to support your *best sleep*, it leads...
The Science Behind Beauty Sleep

The Science Behind Beauty Sleep

No beauty tool can beat a good night’s sleep. That’s the philosophy NIGHT was founded on. We create products that harness the power of sleep for better skin and hair...
What Self-Care is Really About

What Self-Care is Really About

There's a lot of buzz about self-care in the beauty landscape now, but that doesn't mean self-care has to look one way. We sat down with 5 women to hear their takes on what self-care is really about.
5 Pride Groundbreakers

5 Pride Groundbreakers

In 1972, Harvey Milk opened a small camera shop on Castro street in the heart of San Francisco. Upset by what he considered an unfair tax on small businesses in...
Why Two Sides are Better than One

Why Two Sides are Better than One

At NIGHT, we’re pretty committed to doing everything a little different. And we firmly believe that beauty is multi-dimensional. That’s why we make products made to work on your skin...
NIGHT squad
The Secret Sauce in NIGHT's Success

The Secret Sauce in NIGHT's Success

2017 was an absolute mic drop year for NIGHT. We crushed our retail launches: think Bloomingdales, Anthropologie, QVC. We extended our product line as well as launched a sister brand...
Kalle Simpson
Must-read Travel Tips from 4 Beauty Experts

Must-read Travel Tips from 4 Beauty Experts

“Traveling does wonders for my skin and hair,” said no one ever. But perhaps you’ve seen people stepping off a plane looking flawless? Well of course they have secrets. No...
4 Reasons to Love Tomorrow After Sleeping on a NIGHT Pillow

4 Reasons to Love Tomorrow After Sleeping on a NIGHT Pillow

Let us guess... Your weekend was amazing and now you are dreading that early Monday morning alarm clock because it means a long work week ahead. #SAME. We get it....
NIGHT Newcomers: Answer These Two Simple Questions

NIGHT Newcomers: Answer These Two Simple Questions

It is always exciting here at NIGHT HQ when we launch a new product, and the Tri-Silk Pillowcase, specially designed to fit any pillow, is certainly no exception. But if...
5 Celebrity Sleep Supporters and Why We Love Them

5 Celebrity Sleep Supporters and Why We Love Them

We know sleep is the first step to getting on your A-Game, but don’t just take it from us. Here are five sleeping beauty celebs who believe in the power...
NIGHT squad
10 Expert Tips to Fall Asleep Faster

10 Expert Tips to Fall Asleep Faster

Have you ever not been able to fall asleep because your mind is racing? Or maybe you’ve fallen sound asleep after a long day…only to wake up 20 minutes later...
3 Reasons to Make Sleep Your New Year's Resolution

3 Reasons to Make Sleep Your New Year's Resolution

Looking for a strong New Year's resolution? Something that will 100% make this year better than the last? We've got your answer: better sleep. And here are the top three...
Kalle Simpson